New features

    • Profiles management : 
      We have added a new management of profiles and user rights.
      Now you can manage the available disk space for each user account, as well as their profile type that will determine their level of access on your helixee:

      • User : Users can save and share data via their own account on your helixee and they can suggest other users to invite.
      • Guest : Guests can access the spheres you share with them, enjoy and comment on your shares.
        They cannot save data on your helixee.

      Users can in turn invite other people, but approvals are reserved for the Administrator.


    • Data recovery on PC:
      You can now view your helixee data directly from your Windows or Mac browser without using your web browser. This feature allows you to recover your data directly to your computer.However, no modifications or additions are possible from your browser, you must continue to use PC, mobile or web applications for this.


  • E-mails notifications:
    Don’t miss any more interactions with your loved ones, receive an e-mail to inform you of each activity on your helixee:

    • Invitations notifications: You will receive an email when an invitation is accepted by a user. If you are a helixee owner, you will also receive an email for invitations that have not been accepted for 7 days.
    • Sphere’s activity: You will receive an email when a like or comment is posted in the spheres to which you have access or when new data is added to them.

Improvements and fixes

  • Minor bug fixes